A VERY big Thank You to the students and staff at St. Gabriel the Archangel C.S. for having us over this morning to talk about Zach Makes Tracks and Youth Mental Health. Mrs. Hubbard’s Grade 2/3 class did a GREAT job of hosting and asking questions.

We loved the great BIG cheque the students made and presented to Zach! The staff and students raised $773.00 for ZMT and will go very far in helping fund the Youth Mental Health Program at RVH! We talked about how much our area needs the new 8-bed in-patient unit and programs. Read more about this priority here.

Way to go kids! And we don’t ever want to forget our special guests Dale & Charlie from 107.5 Kool FM. They’ve been amazing supporters of Zach and really know how to make a presentation stand out 🙂 We even made an EPIC #koolsummerselfie