What a day!
We were invited to visit Steele Street Public School this morning. What an amazing group of enthusiastic students! We saw several youth receive awards for kindness, a young man was honoured for his efforts in Wrestling and the kids raised $131.00 for Zach Makes Tracks! This meant we were able to announce that Zach surpassed his second goal of $25,000! His first was $10,000 (which feels like $10 MILLION to him). Christine Baguley form RVH was on hand to hear our announcement. The students shared their ideas on how to raise more and helped Zach pick a NEW goal of $50,000!
We really couldn’t be doing this without the support of the community. Zach is doing an amazing job of spreading awareness to our schools and our youth. He finds the public speaking part quite hard, and we’re not forcing him to do it. But he stands up there and stretches past his comfort zone every time, giving the message to kids that you don’t have to yell and scream or do something big and epic to make a difference in our community. When he decides it’s a bit tough to speak in front of hundreds of people, we remind him that him not speaking DOES NOT diminish the impact of what he is doing.
I know I keep saying this, but our community, and the large area that RVH serves REALLY needs this new in-patient youth mental health unit and the outpatient programs scheduled as part of this initiative. Christine told us this morning that construction HAS begun and new patients will be able to stay near the end of this year. This is amazing news!
Every little bit helps – if you would like to make a donation, please click here and follow the clicks. The funds go directly to the RVH Foundation.
Thanks everyone!
- Zach and his cousins Riley, TJ and Emma waiting for the assembly to begin!
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